What Faqir Chand states in this film, makes much sense to me. When I think about his claims that nobody manifests themselves to help you in your personal matters, that it is actually yourself, I start thinking about people who create alter egos. People often create alter egos of themselves to portray how they really want to be, in making this alter ego, they live vicariously through them. Envisioning the alter ego as somebody else when in reality it is them. I think the same can be applied to religious figures who are said to appear or provide help to a individual with a lot of faith. I can imagine that many people would disagree, but what's harder than to convince yourself otherwise when its your own mind thats playing tricks on you?...Interesting concept.
When you think about it, the importance of significant figures in religion have been created by people themselves. Whether they're characters from the bible or whether an "enlightened" person was proclaimed as a higher being, these are things that people themselves have created as a source of help. Their faith and their own knowledge makes the power of these symbols more powerful, therefore making the symbols represent their own thought process. They get so used to depending on these symbols that they forget that they are the ones who are actually helping themselves, sometimes not even forget, they never know and give the credit to the deity's or representatives. I wonder how many people would accept this.
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