Karma has always been a thought-provoking concept for me. To actually receive the same level of malevolence or righteousness or more, that you have done to some one else prior. This film portrays that in an interesting way. As the young man walks around and he passes a few individuals, he can visualize what will happen to them. He can sense what kind of karma they have coming their way. Some are good, some bad. The way is depicted in the film is accurate for the most part, because every individual has different actions and not everybody is good
or bad, but its safe to say, as the film portrayed, you'd probably find more bad than good.
I like the fact that the protagonist in the film looks troubled. As he's passing all these individuals, he can see the upcoming events in their lives, you would think its a good thing, but is it really? I mean, do you tell someone that you know they're going to rob somebody? Or that they're gonna be shot if they slap their girlfriend? And even if you do wanted to tell them, do you think they
would believe you? I can imagine it being an uncomfortable situation, faced with a moral decision like that. Asking yourself if silence is the right way to go about things. The film was true to reality and it said a lot, without saying nothing.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
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- Name: AsK mE Nickname(s): mS youNG flY && FlasHy the KidD, thE giRL, Kita, The PriNceSS Age: 23 Birthday: 420 Sign: AriEs Taurus Siblings: the olDest oF foUr beaUtifuL giRlS... Ethinicity: BeLizeaN.. Birthplace: lOs AngeLeS, CaliForNia StatuS: HuH Hobbies: TravelinG, Snow BoardInG, SkaTing, SwimmIng, SnorKling, && beInG flY oF c0ursE Loves: MyseLf!!! My Chevy,my siDekicC, stuPid faCe danishia, anD My graNNy PersoNaliTy: Non-chalant Described As: Extremely funny, Goofy, Psycho, Crazy, Shy, Quiet, Mean, Cool, Down to Earth, and RudE "tHose who matter dont mind, and those who mind dont matter" Extremely: Independent myspace.com/msyoung420
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