Its not a wonder that us as human beings need to be nurtured and reminded that
we do play a role in this vast world that we live in. Reading this article about
the art of these "readers" put more of this concept in perspective. I am a
skeptic of their psychic abilities and thought of them as frauds. I too didn't
like the fact that they would try to deceive people with their phony acts, but I
thought worst of the people who actually bought into it. After reading this
article, my thoughts against the reader and the clients are less harsh. It seems
more like a therapy session now, instead of an act of trickery by the reader and
gullible reactions of the client.
When its put in that way, I think that it just might be necessary to have them
around. I mean, I understand that some people might be hesitant to go talk to a
therapist, a complete stranger who wants to hear all your intimate details.
Going to a "reader" will quell that feeling of uneasiness. Its more mystical,
the client is not the one telling them their lives (or so they think) but the
"reader" is. The "reader" as well as a "spiritual" force is digging within them
and fetching their lives details and answers. The whole thing is just a surreal
therapy session. Sigmund Freud with a dash of gypsy magic. If thats what people
need to feel better, then I'm all for it. All of us seek different remedies to
cope with existing problems, if wagons and drapes with beads do it for you, then
so be it. Who are we to judge?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
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- Name: AsK mE Nickname(s): mS youNG flY && FlasHy the KidD, thE giRL, Kita, The PriNceSS Age: 23 Birthday: 420 Sign: AriEs Taurus Siblings: the olDest oF foUr beaUtifuL giRlS... Ethinicity: BeLizeaN.. Birthplace: lOs AngeLeS, CaliForNia StatuS: HuH Hobbies: TravelinG, Snow BoardInG, SkaTing, SwimmIng, SnorKling, && beInG flY oF c0ursE Loves: MyseLf!!! My Chevy,my siDekicC, stuPid faCe danishia, anD My graNNy PersoNaliTy: Non-chalant Described As: Extremely funny, Goofy, Psycho, Crazy, Shy, Quiet, Mean, Cool, Down to Earth, and RudE "tHose who matter dont mind, and those who mind dont matter" Extremely: Independent
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