Monday, March 15, 2010
A Field Guide To Critical Thinking Wk2 Post 4
"FiLCHeRS" is the way that all human beings should approach things. With this way of going about different topics and theories, there wouldn't be any chance given for mediocre claims or theories to reach popularity and be treated as fact. I think most people involved in the paranormal, U.F.O's, etc., don't apply this method because their beliefs would surely be shattered when it comes to a meticulous form of thinking and finding the evidence to support the theories presented. In all honesty, I believe most skeptics use a less tenacious form of "FiLCHeRS" because, skeptics like myself, are not ready to just believe something without having at a minimum one pertinent piece of evidence. People are intrigued by the unexplained and amazed by the mystery behind things and want to believe, proven or not, that there's something more to the world they live in. As James lett writes "Skepticism means: to believe if and only if the evidence warrants"
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- mZ pRetTy meMoRieS
- Name: AsK mE Nickname(s): mS youNG flY && FlasHy the KidD, thE giRL, Kita, The PriNceSS Age: 23 Birthday: 420 Sign: AriEs Taurus Siblings: the olDest oF foUr beaUtifuL giRlS... Ethinicity: BeLizeaN.. Birthplace: lOs AngeLeS, CaliForNia StatuS: HuH Hobbies: TravelinG, Snow BoardInG, SkaTing, SwimmIng, SnorKling, && beInG flY oF c0ursE Loves: MyseLf!!! My Chevy,my siDekicC, stuPid faCe danishia, anD My graNNy PersoNaliTy: Non-chalant Described As: Extremely funny, Goofy, Psycho, Crazy, Shy, Quiet, Mean, Cool, Down to Earth, and RudE "tHose who matter dont mind, and those who mind dont matter" Extremely: Independent
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