I could not believe that Georgia schools would actually put warning signs on Biology text books, that really made me snicker in disgust. As Ken Miller pointed out, that warning sticker is wholly misleading to a young student who's reading it. I like how he pointed out that Theory's and Facts are not opposites, that in fact Theory's are on a higher plane because they explain facts. For example, when Mr. Miller made a mock warning sticker for "Gravity" how it is just a theory and not facts because its something that none of us has never seen it physically. Obviously we never seen gravity, but we do know it exists because its how we are able to stay on the ground as well as any other object, its proven. He makes excellent points.
I must say though, I don't completely reject "Intelligent Design". I definitely believe in Evolution and Natural Selection, the evidence is there. But I think "Intelligent Design" is more suitable for the universe itself, the "Big picture" so to speak. I believe here, on Earth, evolution is the key, but I think its due to what has happened in the universe that has made evolution capable on Earth. All in all the lecture was very interesting and to see arguments on both sides of the "Intelligent Design" subject. These are all sensitive subjects and should be taken with an open mind.
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