I can't even imagine the complex knowledge that Freemason Dyson possesses. A person with that much technical knowledge, is not a surprise to me that he is not all the way religious, that is, there are some things in religion that does not believe in. He says he describes himself as a "Christian without the theology". Religion is a way of life and not a matter of belief in his opinion. I would have to agree with that, it was very well put. Mr. Dyson does a good job in separating his religious belief with his scientific knowledge. He basically keeps all the morals of the religion and blends it with the factual information of his career. A well balanced approach.
It is an interesting concept the "Three models of mind". The human mind, the molecular mind and the universal mind. I asked myself when I heard this, if the universe could have a "mind", would that point more to "Intelligent Design"? He says that it may not be true, but plausible, I wonder what his position would be on "Intelligent Design". He calls "God" as the "Mind" of the universe, but not the "God" of religious conviction. Also, he says that Science has a sort of restriction, that it cannot explain the universe. That also seems to point to "Intelligent Design" to me. This was a very engaging interview.
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