Expert Lecture
In this speech Dr. James Watson talked about how D.N.A. is structured in a précised way by how it propels the brain. He revealed that the D.N.A. had a three-dimensional structure. He said that his time in college and after, that D.N.A. did not have enough information at the time to test it out. Dr. Watson has a great sense of humor, and was very passionate about his work. He knows the ins and outs of the three-dimensional structure within one month. Dr. Watson had a very strong presence. He commanded the room. He seemed to know what he was talking about, and people wanted to listen. He wrote Double Helix. Him and Francis crick they became partners doing their best to structure these three dimensional for this project. They worked at Cambridge on the model and they did not believe in their work. Later on it became a successful phenomenon.
The experience at Cambridge helped his D.N.A. research, and magnified his intelligence. He found the correct formula to solve the crystal instruction. Dr. Watson said it was three reasons why they became famous with this project. First , was that Francis and Dr. Watson worked on the two-dimensional structure and it was too complicated. Second, they needed an answer soon, making sure that they get more info by building models and it took them eighteen months to get the answer they need. Lastly, talk to your competition. Dr. Watson needed more answers. His strategy for his project was talking to the competition. The went back and forth on their opinions. Doing that made it closer for them to find the answers that they need for this project. Dr. Watson felt that if you think that you know everything, than you will not get the help that you need to be successful. Keep your friends close but your competitors even closer because there information can compel you find the things that you need to be successful and famous like Dr. Watson.
Philosophy in Five Minutes
Truth Lies
Fundamentalism is a mental disease
Java Philosophy
Inner Visions
Flame on.
These five were very interesting. Truth lies, Fundamentalism is a mental disease, are
Some of these films stated that there was no god. The usual things we learn in the class. They went on to talk about creationalism, That people who believe in Creationalism do not know how to think for themselves. Jana Philosophy was about puppets. The puppet master being god. Innver visions aas about gurus. The ones that stuck out to me were Truth Lies and Flame On.
Truth Lies was about the human mind, and how we have the desire to have a higher being. It basically said even if it were proven God never existed, people would still find some type of way to discredit the information. I honestly can say that I know the answer and still chose not to belive. Our mind plays tricks on us. At the end of the day, truth is what you make it.
My second favorite of the five was Flame on. It was about homosexuality. In today’s age, it seems like homosexuality is no longer an issue. It is portrayed on TV, and seems like it is even accepted. The video attempted to show how you never who who is gay. Homosexuals come in all forms. It reminds me of a controversial book I read about men being on the "down low". The book talked about the different perceptions men had. Some of the men would go to jail, and sleep with men, and then come home and be straight. There was some kind of rule that it’s not considered homosexual if you are in jail. It was held like some kind of secret society. The author exposed everything. It was a good read.
I was unaware of what fallacies were. A fallacy is a statement or an argument based on a false or invalid inference. These are considered to be bad. I am guilty of a few of them. I'm known to be very argumentative. I am right no matter what. It drives my boyfriend crazy. I will argue down to the very last point. Some of the fallacies were very easy to understand, and others flew right over my head.
My favorite one was two wrongs make a right. I believe in that strongly in my dating life. I always seek revenge. This site will be very useful for me in my other courses. It seems like most of the useful stuff is at the end of the course. Why is that Professor Lane? I could have used this assignment, Philosophy in Five Minutes, and the free inquiry critical thinking assignments in the first week. They would have been very helpful. Maybe you can think of that for a while.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
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- mZ pRetTy meMoRieS
- Name: AsK mE Nickname(s): mS youNG flY && FlasHy the KidD, thE giRL, Kita, The PriNceSS Age: 23 Birthday: 420 Sign: AriEs Taurus Siblings: the olDest oF foUr beaUtifuL giRlS... Ethinicity: BeLizeaN.. Birthplace: lOs AngeLeS, CaliForNia StatuS: HuH Hobbies: TravelinG, Snow BoardInG, SkaTing, SwimmIng, SnorKling, && beInG flY oF c0ursE Loves: MyseLf!!! My Chevy,my siDekicC, stuPid faCe danishia, anD My graNNy PersoNaliTy: Non-chalant Described As: Extremely funny, Goofy, Psycho, Crazy, Shy, Quiet, Mean, Cool, Down to Earth, and RudE "tHose who matter dont mind, and those who mind dont matter" Extremely: Independent
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