Expert Lecture
John Polkinghorne wanted Science & Religion to co-exist together. From many of our assignments, I have noticed that many of the scientists are either on one or the other. There doesn't seem to be a median between the two. I like his concept of combining the two together. Science is the "how" and Religion being the "why". He believed that there are so many unexplained things that cannot be explained without the idea of a higher being.
All elements known to man were created so perfectly, and things to fit together, and are so in tune there is no explanation. He felt that it wasn't plausible, that nothing was behind all these forces. He felt that everything was designed so beautifully down to the smallest aspect. Polkinghorn seemed confident, unlike most of the other speakers who believed in religion. They seemed very unsure, and their ideas seemed far-fetched. I really enjoyed this lecture. In my opinion this was one of the best ones.
Wk 6 Required book
Wow. Nietzsche spoke his mind, and did not sugar coat anything. He dismantled the Christian faith, and anyone who believed in it without any hesitation. He felt that religion was an embarrassment to itself and the human race. In his opinion a person should not have to follow a blind belief in order to gain values. He felt that a person should know how to right from wrong, and how to contain themselves without having to be deceived by the bible. His perception of the spoken word was false divinity and nice fables. His view was that each individual must control their own mind and actions.
Nietzsche felt that a person cannot fulfill their purpose in life being restrained by false hopes and promises given from something or someone that is not proven. His explanation of how religion corrupts a person’s mind, body, and soul. This book verbally assaulted and thrashed my faith. However I do not hold any negative feelings for Nietzsche. He was wise. Maybe he’s too intelligent for his own good. I must admit that that his points were not farfetched. As much as I wish I could discredit him, he is rational and logical.
Beyond Belief session 8
Sam Harris began by saying that he is not afraid of people like Jeffery Dahmer, instead he is worried about people who believe in religion. He credited Islam for having the most religious extremists. He thought it infected people so heavily they do things like the 9/11 attacks. Sam Harris believed that the Muslim religion based its beliefs from teachings out of the Koran. He believed that the Koran demanded that its followers do barbaric acts for the sake of their religion. I don't necessarily agree with that. An entire religious group did not get together fly planes into the twin towers. Everyone in the Muslim religion should not be held accountable for the actions of a few idiots. This stereotype should not be formed against EVERY1 in this belief system. My uncle is highly influenced by the Koran, and he wouldn't commit those horrible acts.
I don't know much about their religion, but I doubt that it states you have to kill yourself. I wonder why so many religions have different meanings. In Christianity it is a sin to kill yourself, yet in other places its merely a sacrifice. Have you ever thought about all religions coming together and merging as one? Finding similarities in each of them, and producing one. Everyone always say their God is my God.
Richard Dawkins believed people who belong to certain religions are stereotyped as terrorist groups, when that is not always the case. I think that religions that infer that you consider sacrificing yourself is more of a cult. They should not be in the Religious category. I think if you’re willing to kill yourself as well as other innocent people you are a terrorist hands down. An audience member stated that a scientific poling technique was applied to innocent civilians being murdered from The War on Terror and the total was 600,000. That breaks my heart if this study is true.
The story about the decapitated woman gave me a bad memory. My friend went over to Iraq when the War on Terrorism first started. I asked him what the worst thing he saw was. He told me that his convoy was driving down a street, and a little girl appeared to be hurt. The soldiers are not supposed to stop because they could be traps. My friend Mike said one of guys in his units has a child about the same age as the little girl. The guy demanded they stop. He felt so bad for the little girl, she was bleeding, and stumbling. I forgot the age of the child. Mike said the guy made them slow down, and the rest of them wanted to just leave her. The guy gets off, walks toward her, pick her up, and they both blow up. Right in front of their faces. He says he will never forget that and he has nightmares. I think that is so cowardly to blow up a child. He said the people over there would play on their sympathy. He said kids blowing up happened all the time. Mike had been home for a few years, and he still hesitates to play with children. I understand what the speaker said. However I don't agree completely. Maybe my next class will be about religion.
Beyond Belief Session 9
The main focus of this session was behavior morality. A lot of people hold religion in the place of setting boundaries. In this session, the main point for those against religion was that you don't need religion to maintain morality. The people who doubt religion felt that it was perfectly possible to have one without the other. Others felt like the two were fundamentally linker. The session began with a clip from Root of All Evil. It was about based around a pastor Ted from the new life church. The pastor seemed like he was attacking the narrator. As a pastor he should have contained himself. I am hoping that the tape was cut and edited to seem that way, and he wasn't so rude. His performance looked like a show, which I why I stay away from church. I mentioned before that it has turned into a fashion show, and who can give the most money.
In my faith, we were created by God in his image, as to fulfill the purpose he intended us for. We have an obligation to obey His commands because he is the creator. it is in the commandments. As a Christian, my mother thinks you can't go to a simple nightclub. It says Come out from among them and be holy, and separate. People who are not walking that religious walk are said to be worldlier, and pull you in. One should be righteous.
Spiritual boundaries are trusting and believing in God. You are expected to know and trust that Jesus died on Calvary for our sins. I think there is a type of contradiction because he forgives us no matter what. That's like we are expected to do wrong. Jesus then took on our sins, sickness, and disease. Jesus was supposed to take all that on, which was the reason he died for us. Yet we still suffer. We are considered to be blood brought, because he paid the price for us.
Magazine Reading
Whoa, calm down Professor Lane. I'm surprised to see you so angry. The guy I met was easy going, and laid back. You turned into F. Neitzsche in this read. I see that you strongly dislike and despise Andrew Cohen. This story is on Andrew Cohen is a self-proclaimed guru who is known for his controversial teachings. He is described as a dictator. In plain words, he is nothing more than a cult leader.
He was described in the magazine as a weak individual who was picked on as an adolescent, whom later wanted popularity. Andrew wanted to be praised. It was clearly stated that Andrew was different from other Guru's. He controlled every aspect of his followers life. Everyone in his group dressed the same, and their sole purpose is to carry out his wishes. If they don't it was said that he may lash out at them. His birth mother had very ill feelings towards him She described him as a controlling tyrant. I think that is deep when the person who brought you into the world has that viewpoint of you. His mother later went on to write a book named "The Mother of God".
Professor Lane bashes Cohen, and others of his kind. He is said to suffer from Narcissistic personality disorder. It’s a disorder described where one is excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, and prestige. Meaning he is self-centered. Mr. Lane insists that Cohen should refund all the money his followers have contributed, and read American Guru. Most of all Professor Lane thinks that he should apologize to each and every student he has come in contact with, and his mother.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
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- mZ pRetTy meMoRieS
- Name: AsK mE Nickname(s): mS youNG flY && FlasHy the KidD, thE giRL, Kita, The PriNceSS Age: 23 Birthday: 420 Sign: AriEs Taurus Siblings: the olDest oF foUr beaUtifuL giRlS... Ethinicity: BeLizeaN.. Birthplace: lOs AngeLeS, CaliForNia StatuS: HuH Hobbies: TravelinG, Snow BoardInG, SkaTing, SwimmIng, SnorKling, && beInG flY oF c0ursE Loves: MyseLf!!! My Chevy,my siDekicC, stuPid faCe danishia, anD My graNNy PersoNaliTy: Non-chalant Described As: Extremely funny, Goofy, Psycho, Crazy, Shy, Quiet, Mean, Cool, Down to Earth, and RudE "tHose who matter dont mind, and those who mind dont matter" Extremely: Independent
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